Home Lifestyle Speedfest Vol 1 A Huge Success!

Speedfest Vol 1 A Huge Success!


Speedfest Vol 1 2017 was a blast and we would like to thank everyone for your trust and support given to us despite this is the 1st ever event organised by MOS and none of us had any experience organizing it. This video is dedicated to all our followers, participants, sponsors and associates.

Speedfest is not just about speed, it’s about sharing the same passion regardless of colors of your skin, bike make and your level of expertise and more importantly friendship. We hope everyone had fun and we will be back with Vol 2 and Vol 3 very soon.

For those who is interested to take part in vol 2, please feel free to contact us by leaving a comment below.

See you at Vol 2.

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Web : www.ministryofsuperbike.com

#MinistryOfSuperbike #SpeedfestVol1 #TakongRacing, #BridgestoneBattlax #LiquiMoly #PetronasSprinta #MonsterEnergy #Akrapovic #Ohlins #Alpinestars #PIAA #CtekBatteryCharges #MotoCleanserHD #Vesrah #SunStar #DIDRacingChain

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Not a pro rider, never a racer, not very technical savvy; just a plain old fashion speed freak and for sure someone who loves to ride. Love both 4 and 2 wheels.