Home Bike News Track Day And Your Street Legal Bike

Track Day And Your Street Legal Bike


Riding on the track especially Sepang Circuit is no doubt one of the safest place for everyone. The chances of you losing your life in Sepang Circuit is highly unlikely but not impossible. Although it is way much safer than you are riding like MotoGP on the street (I’m guilty), but sadly insurance doesn’t really cover if you crash your bike on the track. Like it or not, that is the reality for track ‘kakis’.

While some of the track ‘kakis’ have a track bike, but most of the leisure rider like us don’t have an extra track bike; the only solution is to ride our street legal bike. However, if something happens; it will be a hassle for us to claim.

So what happened if you inevitably crashed your street legal bike? Like what I mentioned above, insurance doesn’t cover means you have to pay for the repair yourself.

Today, the insurance company has become a little smarter. The insurance company sent someone to any track day as a spectator, take random photos of the bikes especially those with the number plate on and of course the photo will go into their system.

So when the inevitable happened, they will use that photo as one of their evidence that you actually crash on the track or give them a valid reason to dig a little deeper.

A few weeks ago, I actually received a call from someone. The person on the other side did not introduce who is he or where he is calling from. The first question he asked if I am the organizer for SpeedFest. When I said yes, he continues to ask if Mr. X took part in SpeedFest. Of course on my side, I told him directly that I do not know who is he, even if I know, I will not share any information of SpeedFest to anyone. So it tells a lot about how far the insurance company would go to investigate.

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Not a pro rider, never a racer, not very technical savvy; just a plain old fashion speed freak and for sure someone who loves to ride. Love both 4 and 2 wheels.