Home Bike News Insane Reaction From Rider Protecting Pillion’s Head When Both Fell From Bike

Insane Reaction From Rider Protecting Pillion’s Head When Both Fell From Bike



What do you do when you and your pillion fell from your bike? This video is simply amazing. Watch the rider’s insane reaction when both fell off from the bike. His instant reaction was to grab pillion’s hand and protect her head while both were sliding for quite a distance. We are not sure if the pillion is his daughter or just another friend but what he did deserves a pat on the back.

However, the pillion should be wearing a helmet that fits nicely. Good job anyway.

"Saved my girl" ? Insane reactions ✔

Posted by LmsAuto on Tuesday, 15 March 2016

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Not a pro rider, never a racer, not very technical savvy; just a plain old fashion speed freak and for sure someone who loves to ride. Love both 4 and 2 wheels.