Home In Person Mark McVeigh, The Man Behind motoDNA

Mark McVeigh, The Man Behind motoDNA



If you are reading this, you are most probably a 2 wheels petrol head. You have the passion to ride, but how far would you go? Would you dedicate your life to this high adrenalin sports? Maybe yes or maybe no; but Mark McVeigh would. Mark McVeigh is a former International 250GP Road Racer and MotoGP Engineer who now works as a Moto Journalist and Director of Coaching at motoDNA. Based in Australia, motoDNA’s training program is endorsed for MotoGP by Dorna Sports. MOS is honoured to have Mark spending 5 minutes with us to briefly tell us more about his story and motoDNA.

Irish-head-shouldersCan you tell us about yourself?
I’m an ex-pat originally from Ireland. I’m a former athlete, having represented Ireland in International 250GP road racing. I raced in Irish, British and European Championship which was the feeder class to MotoGP in the 90’s. I still race at international classic events.

Can you tell us about your passion in riding, how did it started?
I always wanted a bike since Evel Knievel but had to buy one myself when I earned the money.

Being Irish, your homeland is famous for the Irish Road Race, do you race in it?
I didn’t road race in Ireland only on circuits. I felt it was too risky and have lost a lot of close friends to road racing.

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You were involved in MotoGP. Can you tell us more about your role in MotoGP?
I started off in Motogp as a mechanic in 500gp and ended up working as an Engineering consultant directly with factory MotoGP teams.


What makes you form motoDNA? Can you tell us more about motoDNA?
I wanted to improve the training for junior racing in Australia and pass on our extensive riding and engineering knowledge to the next generation.This has expanded to cover all types of motorcycle training which supports the junior development program.

Do you train the rider yourself? How many instructor?
I am the chief instructor and very hands on. Its my passion. We have around 20 instructors including 6 former Grand Prix racers. They are Kevin Magee, Garry McCoy, Pete Goddard, Mark Willis, Steve Martin, and John Pace.

Understand that motoDNA is now certified by Dorna. Can you explain further?
We are working directly with Dorna on Junior development in Asia Pacific to provide a pathway for young riders into Motogp feeder classes. We hope to have a new announcement soon.

Irish & Alonso

You were here in Sepang during the MotoGP 2014 for the ATC 2014. How did your team perform?
We had 15 of the 20 Australian riders entered in the ATC through our program. One of our riders made it onto the reserve list and the other riders learnt a lot!

What is the expansion plan for motoDNA? Any plans to introduce motoDNA program in Malaysia?
motoDNA is expanding into Asia and currently speaking with partners in the region.



For more information about motoDNA, please contact;

Mark McVeigh
CEO @ motoDNA

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Not a pro rider, never a racer, not very technical savvy; just a plain old fashion speed freak and for sure someone who loves to ride. Love both 4 and 2 wheels.