Home Bike News Ramming The Boom Gate Almost Flipped Over But Continued Riding

Ramming The Boom Gate Almost Flipped Over But Continued Riding


There are some expressway or highways as we called it banned any form of motorcycle. I am sure some of us is a rides regularly from Malaysia to Thailand, either heading to the famous Thousand corners in Chiang Mai or just riding through Thailand heading to Laos, etc. Either way, you will drop by Bangkok.

Most of the expressway in Bangkok banned any form of two wheels, this includes superbike, cruiser, adventure bike, and the list goes on. If you entered the expressway accidentally, chances are you will be pulled over by the police. What happens then on, I rather not comment.

There is a video surfaced today on social media where something peculiar happened. A lady biker entered the Burapha Withi Expressway near Bang Na district and rode through the toll without stopping and the best part is, she rammed the boom gate and continued to ride for several KM until she was pulled over at the next toll. The story is not about she crashing into the expressway, the story focus on how on earth she managed to stay on the bike when she rammed through the boom gate, hitting her head and flipping her top half and all caught on video. I guess she was high on drugs as she was pretty aggressive when confronted by the police.

Way to go gal!

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Not a pro rider, never a racer, not very technical savvy; just a plain old fashion speed freak and for sure someone who loves to ride. Love both 4 and 2 wheels.