Home Bike News Superbikers – The Unsung Heroes

Superbikers – The Unsung Heroes



Over the years, more and more superbikes are seen on the road, and sadly to a certain extent; the public are calling us menaces and hooligans. Although at certain times I agree with the public;  I stand firm that superbikers are just like a banana in a fruitbowl, not all bad.

I was reading the newspaper earlier today and I came across a story about our celebrity national shuttler; Datuk Lee Chong Wei donated RM25,000 to save the life of a 6 months old baby girl who needed a surgery for congenital abnormality of the heart.

Despite the news being mainly about Datuk, somewhere hidden in the message, I read a line that caught my attention. Unsung heroes who came forward way before Datuk.

According to the girl’s father, Datuk’s aide contacted him offering to pay the entire medical bill and the father had decline earlier because a group of superbikers had already come forward with the financial aid.

[quote]“The aide told me that he was willing to donate the fee for the surgery, but I declined his offer at that time as a superbikers club had already come forward with the financial aid.”[/quote]

Hence, not all superbikers are bad. Despite a small group of rotten apples, most of us were still humane and actively involved in humanitarian services.

To those unsung heroes, on behalf of the community, I’d say thank you and may God bless you.

[box]For those who read this and would like to say thank you, leave your message at the comment section below. I dedicated this to the unsung heroes.[/box]


Article found in The Star Published Thursday January 8, 2015 MYT 12:00:00 AM [ilink url=”http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Nation/2015/01/08/Chong-Wei-gives-RM25000-to-help-save-baby-girls-life/”]Click to read from The Star[/ilink]

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Not a pro rider, never a racer, not very technical savvy; just a plain old fashion speed freak and for sure someone who loves to ride. Love both 4 and 2 wheels.