Home Bike News Video Footage Cleared Lorry Driver Of Killing A Ducati Rider

Video Footage Cleared Lorry Driver Of Killing A Ducati Rider



On 21st September 2015, A Ducati rider perished on the PIE Expressway in Singapore in an incident between the Ducati rider and a lorry driver. The rider went below the lorry and was crushed to death. Rider pronounced dead at the scene. Subsequently, the lorry driver was arrested.

Thanks to a camera mounted on one of the vehicle ahead of them, the camera captured the entire scene; adding a new twist to the incident. From the video footage, the lorry driver is clearly innocent as it was another vehicle believed to be a SUV who failed to see the rider when the rider is filtering. Both of them made contact and rider looses his balance and fell, sliding across the lane and went right onto the lorry’s path.

Source: sgreckless.com

The Ducati Rider Fatal Accident

The Ducati Rider fatal accident along PIE. “The accident involved a motorcycle and a truck. The 25-year-old male motorcyclist was pronounced dead at the scene. A 50-year-old truck driver was arrested following an accident which killed a motorcyclist on Monday (Sep 21).” However, this footage should show what exactly happened. youtu.be/aNZaZX3PBjcCredit to UnknownSingapore Reckless Drivers Community SRD Community Video Librarysgreckless.com/video

Posted by Singapore Reckless Drivers on Wednesday, 23 September 2015

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    Not a pro rider, never a racer, not very technical savvy; just a plain old fashion speed freak and for sure someone who loves to ride. Love both 4 and 2 wheels.